Generate MORE & LONGER environmentally friendly energy from your lean gas, landfill gas and mine gas sources!

Get environmentally friendly energy from lean gas, landfill gas & mine gas now!

Sustainable solutions for


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We generate more energy from your mine gas

Sustainable solutions for


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We generate more energy from your landfill gas

Sustainable solutions for

Low Calorific-Gas

Green Gas Germany umweltfreundliche Energiegewinnung aus Grubengas, Deponiegas oder Schwachgas.
We generate more energy from your low calorific gas

Sustainable solutions for

Energy Projects

Green Gas Germany umweltfreundliche Energiegewinnung aus Grubengas, Deponiegas oder Schwachgas.
Commitment and experience in more than 20 projects

Green Gas Germany


Green Gas Germany is committed to better climate protection by converting harmful methane emissions into valuable energy. We have several decades of successful experience in the extraction, treatment, utilization and management of methane gas from various sources such as coal mines and landfills.


Green Gas offers operators of mines and landfills a sound, integrated and economically attractive solution for the management and use of gas. We thus offer a complete solution from gas collection, project management, procurement, operation and maintenance. In addition to improving site productivity and safety, we develop new and clean sources of electricity and heat and eliminate a harmful greenhouse gas.


The valuable experience in using many different qualities of methane gas and converting it into the most suitable form of energy (electricity or heat) is a clear advantage. This enables us to make profitable use of difficult gas sources and convert gas into future-proof energy.


We develop sustainable energy projects using the latest technology to minimize environmental impact. Due to the strong increase in global demand for renewable energy sources, Green Gas is your future-proof partner.

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